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Black screen on events

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7 years ago
Nov 25, 2017, 7:43:56 PM

Hi everybody. Not sure if it's the right place to post.

I have tried ES2 during the recent free weekend and sadly encountered a repeated problem. I was getting a black screen, in same specific moments, usually on event notifications or when event would take me to another screen.

It turned out that graphics driver (IntelHD) was crashing and after it was being restored game didn't repaint the screen. Also I found following in the game logs:

GUI The property Politics05ToPolitics01 doesn't have an ExtendedGuiElement, it is required for the SimulationEffectParser

GUI Cannot find the ExtendedGuiElement 'Politics05ToPolitics01' 

GUI Cannot find the GuiElement 'false'

Other common errors (in the end of logs, so presumably related to the problem):

GUI Cannot find the GuiElement 'ShipDesign#925'
GUI Cannot find the GuiElement 'ShipDesign#927'

AI [AI0] 2 patterns with 4 Cp and ShipRoleMothership role and 539 model
AI [AI0] No same module length 18/16 with 4 Cp and ShipRoleMothership role and 539 model

Though it's not a top rig, PC still seems to match the minimal requirements. Maybe there's something devs can do to make the game more stable for me.

Updated 7 years ago.
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