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PC Bug: Game hangs on Iysander Gambit part 1

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 9:47:11 PM

Dialog box appears to choose Defend or Rejuvinate.  Upon selecting an option and clicking Confirm the confirm button is greyed out but it does not discharge the event.   Then when clicking End Turn it goes to Pending... and runs forever until quitting.   Also, when trying to build in colony window the build items do not go into build box but just dissapear.

attaching files:

AutoSave 1602.sav

Diagnostics - 2017'12'08 @1536'13''.html

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 9:49:07 PM

Also, I wanted to point out that I've completed 3 games (love this game!) and got past this quest each time.  Some set of circustances seems to have caused the hang.  In the current game I've already had it hang a few times but upon reloading an older save I was able to get past the event causing the hang.  This time though it keeps getting stuck in same spot

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