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Game startup time takes 60s+, why?

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7 years ago
Jan 10, 2018, 12:01:02 PM

Ever since some larger game update few months back, initial game startup times went up significantly to about 50-60 seconds. 

I have chalked it up on on my pc-age age and peculiar problems, but I have built myself myself new nice computer as a christmas present and the issue persists even on clean installation.

It is small annoyance, but annoyance still and I don't like mysteries. Also yes, both machines have SSD drive (old was Samsung 850 EVO, new is 960 EVO).

I personally suspect some regression in unity engine, since most of load time is spent idly waiting for something to happen. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to test that suspicion.

Also would anyone be kind enough ans measure their startup times for comparison purposes? Time between the SEGA logo and main game menu is sufficient.

System specs and dump will be provided in the evening, but for illustration:

New system:

Intel Core i7 8700K

16GB DDR4 @ 3200 Mhz CL17, Dual Channel

Samsung 960 EVO

Nvidia Geforce 970

Windows 10 x64 (latest updates and drivers)

Old System:

Intel Core i7 3770K

16 GB DDR3 @ 1866 Mhz CL9, Single Channel <-- toolless de-lidding atempt went poorly :)

Samsung 850 EVO

Nvidia Geforce 970

Windows 10 x64 (latest updates and drivers)


Diagnostics - 2018'01'08 @2012'21''.html


Edit: clarification

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 12, 2018, 6:53:11 AM

Sorry about late upload bundle, but it is up now.

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7 years ago
Jan 19, 2018, 6:46:07 PM

Might be "meltdown/spectre" related. Other than that AV comes to mind. Perhaps memory related issues. However, my biggest bet is on meltdown-spectre as it's affecting intel CPUs to a great extent. 

For comparison. I just meassured the Vodyani loading screen (with the loading bar) to main menu. Got 45s on my old rig. (Fx-8120 @4.2Ghz with 16 GB DDR3+SSDs, R9 390) 

hope this helps.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 19, 2018, 6:53:29 PM

I've encoutered this months before lid blew on S&M and firmware updates were made available, so it's pretty clear this is not related to the latest intel fuckup.

I've played around with memory settings and upping speed from 2133MHz to 3600MHz on equivalent CL had almost no effect, so ditto on memory.

I am pretty sure this began with that larger patch that brough figters and bombers, or the one before, not sure which though.

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7 years ago
Jan 19, 2018, 8:54:54 PM

Not sure it's game related when my old system fires up faster than yours, though.

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7 years ago
Jan 20, 2018, 8:23:28 AM

Only relaying what i know and remeber :)

I really hoep some dev chimes in, since i've exhausted all troubleshooting steps on my end.

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7 years ago
Jan 22, 2018, 9:20:43 PM

Hey there,

Yesterday, I installed the latest patches for windows 7 incl. the fixes for Meltdown (and Spectre - although I think it needs an firmware update). Then I tested the loading times again. They went up from 45s to 65s

Due to performance loss in other apps, I finally made the change to Win10. Loading times went down from 65s to 55s. Win 7 install before was fairly new, too. (under 6 weeks so I rule out a "fresh system" which'd be faster)

Game performance overall became really bad fps wise. Had no problem before on 1440p with best settings. Now, it feels sluggish. Even had some bad flickering which I read about before but hadn’t encountered yet. Anyway, I was able to solve it via deactivating v-sync. (using FRTC with freesync right now, multi monitor setup but I digress)

I really hoped to use this system for a couple of years more. Esp. as the hardware market is in such an dreadful state right now. 

I can only hope that we’ll see further performance tweaks. Game ran really smooth for me before. Even in late game on a massive map with tons of ships and AI. 

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7 years ago
Jan 28, 2018, 4:20:07 PM

Just an update. 

I was able to solve my FPS issues and I got shorter loading times (48s atm). The culprit were the entire xbox services in Win10. 

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7 years ago
Feb 1, 2018, 9:02:41 AM

this helps even more with loading times:


Decreased my loading time by ~20s. I'm at around 32s now.

Updated 7 years ago.
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