Hi guys, I made a post yesterday on Reddit on the discovery of a game-breaking bug/crash happening consistently. Tried again today with a new campaign in multiplayer/different game-hosts and its still happening. I don't know if more people are experiencing the same problem but this is what me and a friend are seeing;

We're playing a game (6 AI, 2 human players), tried different constelation types and settings, but game speed is set at fast. Factions we are playing has also been switched around. The crashes start happening somewhere between turn 4 and 15. Usually it starts with a desynch, then after reloading last auto-save the desynch-report pops-up and doesn't go away OR the end-turn button can't be clicked (it looks as if the next-turn button has already been clicked but nothing happens). 

Funnily enough, loading the multiplayer campaign into a singleplayer removes the errors/bugs and nothings seems wrong. The problems start occuring for us only while in multiplayer. My friend is playing from Thailand, and I'm playing from the Netherlands, but that has never before been a problem for us. 

We've both reinstalled the game/verified game-cache on steam, but it didn't solve it.

Hope the these issues can be traced back. 
