My friend and I have encountered multiple issues while trying to play ES2 multiplayer: stuck on loading lobby screen, one player stuck in lobby while the other is in game, haven't been able to get past a single turn once we entered the game, stuck on ending turn indefinitely, and constant desync issues. We've tried several fixes on our side like verifying the game install on Steam, restarting Steam, restarting our computers, checking our internet connections, and nothing has worked. I checked on Steam forums and the ES subreddit for answers as well and didn't find any definitive answer or fix. We've had a single game where we managed to get to turn 39, but then the game started massively lagging and desyncing and we haven't been able to progress further.

jhell on the Amplitude Community Discord server asked me to post here and attach our affected save files and diagnostics. Here's the manual save for two games we attempted, autosaves from multiple attempted games that never went past 1 turn, and diagnostics from throughout the day we played.

cahse.sav AutoSave_336.sav AutoSave_337.sav AutoSave_338.sav AutoSave_339.sav AutoSave_340.sav 

Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0418'16''(20MB(!) Diagnostics file uploaded to Drive) Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0714'12''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0727'02''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0727'28''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @2152'43''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @2312'01''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'24 @0528'19''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'24 @0532'10''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'24 @0535'14''.html

asdf.sav AutoSave 49.sav AutoSave 50.sav AutoSave 51.sav AutoSave 52.sav AutoSave 53.sav

Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0113'09'' Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0407'39''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0414'10''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0418'40''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0427'40''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @0439'33''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @1806'51''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @2008'17''.html Diagnostics - 2018'01'23 @2012'06'' Diagnostics - 2018'01'24 @0227'50''.html

Any help would be much welcomed - my friend and I love this game; I just bought it and am having a great time, but this multiplayer issue is making the game literally unplayable for us, which we are pretty upset about.