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"Game launched and ready", but not quite

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 4:24:13 PM


I recently purchased the game, through "Steam". My rig is:

- Intel Core i7 - 5930 CPU @ 3.50 GHz / 32Gb RAM / GeForce GTX 1080 Ti with the 390.77 driver / Win 10 - 64 bit / Razer "Mamba" mouse

So I 've played like 40+ hours already, and with no probs, whatsoever. HOWEVER, today (30/01) and since noon (GMT+2), I get an error which gives me an (in-game ONLY) "screen-freeze" when the game is at the "game launched and ready"-stage. The error doesn't resolve, unless i quit to desktop, and manually stop the game from running.

Now, I 've tried all the relevant info (found in here: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/73-tech-support/threads/20661-read-first-common-issues-guides-and-solutions?page=1), and the only thing that worked (but only for like 2-3 times I logged in the game), was the "chroma bug fix". However, after trying to log into the game at some point in the afternoon, the same "screen-freeze" occured (as described above).

P.S.1: Im playing the game with some (15) 3rd-party mods (see relevant ss below), BUT I'm 99,99% certain that this ISN'T a mod-related issue, since I've ALREADY played like 40+ hours the game WITH these mods and with NO "incidents", whatsoever!

P.S.2: Any *guided* (like I'm 10 y.o. plox, cause I ain't "pc tech savvy" I'm afraid!) help with this issue will be very appreciated!

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7 years ago
Jan 31, 2018, 3:31:55 PM


Diagnostics - 2018'01'31 @1710'24''.html



I attached all the relevant files I could find (I hope they are the right ones). I tried to LOAD already existing (previous) saves today and they WORKED FINE, so the "diagnostics"-file that I attached in here is a "healthy" file, apparently (or, at least, I think it is). HOWEVER, when i try to create / play a *NEW* game, the problem persists! :-/

Updated 7 years ago.
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