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[PC] Multiplaying game stops progressing after x turn

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7 years ago
Feb 6, 2018, 7:04:58 PM

Heya, I have got this problem since the launch of the game when playing Endless Space 2 with my friends. Thereby causing quite long break from such a great game, but now that vaulters were released i thought to test it again. Nothing has changed, the game gets stuck to x point of the game (this time 55-56turns.) It either endlessly loads the next turn, or lets me (the host of the game) through to next round leaving my co-op player stuck to the end of turn.


 Diagnostics - 2018'02'06 @2026'56''.html - this is file created after reloading the game.

heres the file before reloading, was too big to upload on the forum: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7s4ybtw1rfsoe6/Diagnostics%20-%202018%2702%2706%20%401729%2738%27%27.html?dl=0

The round gets released asap after my friend leaves the game.

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7 years ago
Feb 10, 2018, 8:25:32 PM

Is this game death? After latest fix update the games have been unable to get past 'downloading.' need to restart the save game appromixaly 68 times before getting into game.


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