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Uthassum Rhamoezz

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7 years ago
Mar 1, 2018, 5:46:49 PM


So I may be quite behind the times but...

I've just got round to unlocking Uthassum Rhamoezz - I've had the email sitting around waiting for me to do it for a long time - but I ahve had a lot of otherthings happening in life. 

Anyway now when I go through the process I get to a "https://emailing.amplitude-studios.com/steam/..." page, which redirects me to a steam page containing the following message. " Sign into account.games2gether.com using your Steam account". 

However whenever I try I am gett told "Sorry, an unexpected error occured. You can retry in few minutes or contact an administator."

Is there any help I could get with resolving this?



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7 years ago
Mar 1, 2018, 9:27:46 PM

Hey, so this is very similar to the community challenge pack not activating. This link ( https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/73-tech-support/threads/29624-community-challenge-pack-not-activating?page=1 ) has a guide I put to unlocking that and the same process should work with unlocking Uthassum. Once I get home to my computer I’ll type out a more detailed response to unlocking him here. 

Best of luck 

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