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[MAC] New game button not working

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6 years ago
Apr 13, 2018, 9:07:15 AM


I bought a game on Steam, it installs just fine, main menu shows as well but "New game" button does nothing. Other buttons work thought.

Now, every time I click on "New game" button there is a new entry in diagnostic log:

10:58:37:693 Runtime STACK RuntimeState_OutGame.End()

10:58:37:693 Runtime STACK RuntimeState_Lobby.Begin()

10:58:37:693 Runtime STACK The session has been created; opening the session in 'Single' mode (default)...

10:58:37:693 Session STACK [ILobbySlotProvider] SteamID is not valid: 0x0.

10:58:37:693 Unity STACK NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

10:58:37:695 Unity STACK NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

10:58:37:695 Session STACK SessionState_Opening.Begin()

10:58:37:695 Session STACK The session is being opened...

And near the begginig of diagnostic file I have something like this:

10:57:52:252 Default STACK Disabling GamesightManager since no steam id has been found

10:57:52:253 Default STACK Failed to initialize the Steam API; now running in offline mode...

I tried reinstalling the game, removing registry.xml, adding -compat option, veryfing game files, updating to Beta 1.2.20 - nothing works. It seems like some kind of Steam/ES2 communication issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. Steam is up to date.

P.S.2. I'm running on Mac OSX Sierra (10.12.6)

P.S.3. In the meantime I also reinstalled the Steam from scratch - same thing.

Thank you!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Apr 20, 2018, 7:45:26 AM

Guys, a week without any reaction? Does it mean I need to request a refund?? I bought a game and I can't play it.

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6 years ago
Apr 20, 2018, 8:42:58 AM

Did you try to run Endless Space 2.exe and Steam.exe admin rights included?

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6 years ago
Apr 20, 2018, 10:09:40 PM

No, I did not as I'm trying to run this game on Mac OSX as stated in my post.

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6 years ago
Apr 22, 2018, 5:14:55 AM
Pirax wrote:

No, I did not as I'm trying to run this game on Mac OSX as stated in my post.

Indeed, you did. My fault.

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6 years ago
May 3, 2018, 6:32:21 PM

Hi, it's been 20 days. Where/How can I get any response about my issue? I tried Sega directly but they told me that this is the right place to look for support... 

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6 years ago
May 13, 2018, 11:35:46 AM

Over a month... Is this game supported in any way? No responses in this or other threads, no new patches or betas. I really do hope that this won't go unnoticed. Bugs happen, that's  completely normal and understandable but total lack of support for such a long period of time is not.

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