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Missing visual effects with AMD cards (R9 390 and R9 290)

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6 years ago
May 4, 2018, 12:53:54 PM

We are aware of an issue with missing visual effects for users of AMD cards. AMD are cooperating with us, although we have no ETA on a possible solution.

This issue affects only the following cards: R9 390 and R9 290. It does not occur on the RX 480, RX 580, and RX Vega 64 AC. It occurs on drivers 18.4.1, 18.3.1, and 18.3.2 but is resolved when switching back to 18.2.3, so the current temporary solution is to roll back your drivers to 18.2.3.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 29, 2018, 6:09:00 AM

Update: Some user report latest AMD driver version (18.5.1) does fix the issue.

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6 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 3:48:32 PM

Thank you for the confirmation, grandsome!

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