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Another question about desync

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6 years ago
May 31, 2018, 1:24:54 PM

 Playing with a friend and we are 30 turns into the game and it keeps desyncing every turn.  Will this actually create a problem? or should we just continue playing? we really dont want to restart but also dont want to get 150 turns into the game and have problems.  I know someone said it (might) will eventually fix itself is this true? or do we need to restart? I am not sure what desyncing actually does and what problems it might/will create?  Should we restart? or just keep playing?  Would love to hear from anyone that has experienced this, but would also love to hear from a Dev. 

Thanks :) 

We just completed our 2nd game, first game had 2 or 3 desyncs and the 2nd had 0. This is our 3rd game. 

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6 years ago
May 31, 2018, 1:43:52 PM

Occasional desyncs happen but I never had any problems because of them. If it desyncs every turn, as you say, you don't need to restart, you might just wanna reload the last save.

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6 years ago
May 31, 2018, 2:15:55 PM
twimpix wrote:

Occasional desyncs happen but I never had any problems because of them. If it desyncs every turn, as you say, you don't need to restart, you might just wanna reload the last save.

I did that and it immediately desyncs the next turn again :(

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6 years ago
May 31, 2018, 2:28:43 PM
MessiTheMessiah wrote:
twimpix wrote:

Occasional desyncs happen but I never had any problems because of them. If it desyncs every turn, as you say, you don't need to restart, you might just wanna reload the last save.

I did that and it immediately desyncs the next turn again :(

Well if you really feel like it, you can post the save in the bug reports forum. Otherwise, if you are not very bothered by it, just continue playing, according to my experience it doesn't break the game, even though it is quite annoying having it pop up often.

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