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Black screen on launch I only have sounds

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6 years ago
Jun 27, 2018, 9:22:22 PM


I just bought Endless Space 2 but I can't succeed to play it. When I start the game from steam I only have sound and sometime the game cursor but nothing is display (only white screen or black screen).

I have a GTX1080 nvidia, 32gb ram and windows 10 with a 4K screen.

I tried many things :

- Reinstalled the game

- force my resolution to 1920x1080

- force game resolution

- reinstall my graphics drivers

- reinstall VCRedist since 2010

- verify files of game from steam

-restart PC

-all is up to date OS and drivers


- Add to whitelist of the firewall

- Unchecking "Read Only" on my Endless Space2/Public/GalaxyGenerator and all subfolders

- updating all the codecs with K-Lite codecs

but nothing works I still have the same problem. Anyone can help me?




Je viens d'acheter Endless Space 2 mais je ne parviens pas à y jouer. Lorsque je lance le jeu par steam je n'ai que le son de la cinématique et parfois le curseur mais rien ne s'affiche,

J'ai une GTX 1080 nvidia. et 32gb ram sous Windows10 à jour avec un écran 4K.

J'ai éssayer plusieurs choses:

- reinstall du jeu

- forcer ma résolution en 1920x1080

- forcer la résolution du jeu

- reinstall de mes drivers

- reinstall VCRedist depuis 2010

- vérifier les fichiers du jeux par steam

- restart pc

- tout est à jours OS comme driver

Mais rien ne marches, pouvez vous m'aider?


Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 28, 2018, 1:34:41 AM

You didn't try this one, yet:

Add the game to your antivirus's white list

If you are using an antivirus or a firewall program, it might be restricting Endless Space 2's permission to write/create files. You can try to add the game as an exception in your antivirus/firewall in order to grant Endless Space 2 unlimited access rights. Same thing for WorldGeneratorContext (or "amplitude.worldgenerator.exe"). To find out how your specific antivirus/firewall works, please refer to its help documentation (or google it, it helps!)

Unchecking "Read Only" on your Endless Space2/Public/GalaxyGenerator folder and apply to the subfolders.

Once you have done that, start Endless Space 2 in administrator mode. 

Source: Common issues, guides and solutions

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6 years ago
Jun 28, 2018, 1:46:19 AM

Also check taht you have updated any 3rd party codecs as it sounds like the movies arent loading which is a problem with old codecs

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6 years ago
Jun 29, 2018, 10:52:26 PM


Thanks for your answers! I tried :

- Add to whitelist of the firewall

- Unchecking "Read Only" on my Endless Space2/Public/GalaxyGenerator and all subfolders

- updating all the codecs with K-Lite codecs

still the same problem.

For the "WorldGeneratorContext"or "amplitude.worldgenerator.exe" I found nothing name like that in the Endless Space folder or in my computer. Maybe that's the problem?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 25, 2018, 1:16:16 AM

Hey I want to say I have the same issue, happened since April's Window update (I have this same issue with Civ VI DX11 mode, works in DX12)

Unfortunately since then I have not managed to get it to work.-

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