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[PC] Game crashes randomly - causes computer to shutdown and restart.

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6 years ago
Jul 5, 2018, 6:03:23 PM

So when playing the game it will sometimes cause my computer to power-cycle. As in completely shut down and restart. This can happen at any point during the game. I'll just be playing, moving from one screen to another, and then *blip* shut down and restart.

I verified the integrity of the files, and I have the latest graphic drivers. I tried turning down the graphics to "good" yesterday and I thought it fixed the problem, but when I started playing this morning, the same thing happened. This happens with the graphics set to "simple" also.

I gave my system a thorough dusting, with no change.

I'm plugged into the graphics card, not running off the motherboard graphics. I already had the "pink screen" update installed. Windows is up to date as are my nVidia drivers.

I think I've successfully white-listed it in MS Security Essentials. 

This happens whether I load a saved game or start a new one.

I have CCCP codecs installed and updated and haven't noticed difficulty with videos.

I reinstalled the .Net library 4.5.2.

I created a desktop shortcut and tried running it as administrator, still crashes.

Since I'm running Windows 7 I haven't tried running it in Windows 7 compatibility mode.


Diagnostics - 2018'07'05 @1343'58''.html


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6 years ago
Jul 7, 2018, 1:44:45 AM

your computer shutting down indicates a far lower level problem than the game. Th egame might just be bubbling up the core issue with your OS or hardware.

You could try doing a clean uninstall/reboot/reinstall/reboot of your video drivers

Otherwise it could be an overheating component, like your GPU/CPU

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6 years ago
Jul 7, 2018, 10:59:36 PM

This is the only time it happens though, and I don't hear the fans revving up as if the system's getting hot. Any other game I play, got no problems.

I did try running it with -novideo, just to see what happens, and since then, it hasn't crashed once.

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4 years ago
Nov 28, 2020, 11:00:33 AM

It's 28th of november 2020 and I'm seeing this restart crash on my machine. It's not a cooling, PSU, GPU or CPU issue. I've stress tested all of these with games and software much more computation heavy than this game.

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