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[PC] Game crashes after selecting "end turn" on 250+ turn games.

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6 years ago
Jul 20, 2018, 8:38:32 PM

I hope whoever is reading this is doing well!

PRECURSOR: I am new to Endless Space and have been loving it so far, but perhaps my issues are the result of me just not knowing what options to select or something akin to that given how new I am.

I have found that upon playing a new game, I can progress normally until about turn 100 before there start to be some preformance issues. These issues are largely benign, just a matter of slower loading times. However, on three seperate games when I select "end turn", the game will crash. One of the games crashed in the mid-200s, and two of them both crashed after the election on turn 300. I considered it might be an issue with reloading saves, and just played a game straight until turn 300 yesterday. Alas, the game did crash in the transition from turn 300 -> turn 301. I have tried reloading these games and even going back a few turns, but I still cannot avoid the crash.

REGARDING STEAM: I have verified the integrity of the game, the game is up to date, and I even have achievements in my steam account for winning games under various conditions (even though I have never seen a 'victory' screen, so to speak). Maybe there is a setting I missed that is causing me to have games crash when I win them?


Processor: i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz

RAM: 16 GB

System type: 64-bit OS, x64-based processor

GPU: GTX 1080

Attached below are my diagnostics, output_logs, and DxDiag. Thank you for any and all help!

Diagnostics - 2018'07'20 @1604'34''.html

DxDiag (7-20-18).txt



Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 2, 2018, 2:38:07 PM

I also am having the same issue. I started a thread Yesterday about it. 


Have tried re-installing Steam since the post and still no luck either. I have nearly an identical setup as well.

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6 years ago
Dec 2, 2018, 7:12:08 PM

I had the same issues in february 2018, then left game until summer and had the same issues playing in june 2018, then left this game again, and started to play in november again - every time I hope that there was enough time to fix and polish the game. But I have had the same issue these days again. 

I even got account on this site and posted my save with the "end turn" issue, because I havent had any helpful answers on my posts on the steam threads before. 

Though I haven`t resolving answer here too. And I found a lot of posts with this topic - end turn freezes and crushes. And the other technical issues. 

To be honest , I could finish more games in ES2, than I could not. And this game have the best design and most friendly GUI of all space-TBS that I played untill now. 

IMHO - the game development is still in progress. And besides the engine , there is a bunch of unfinished deeds in game mechanics and game descriptions (I also posted here about it some time ago, and on steam too). 

So,  if we want to help with this process we could play, find and post about bugs and issues here. Or we could wait, playing other games, and give to developers enough time to finish this game. We are customers - we have choise! Actually a hundreds of choises - it is not 90-s on the street, when you had to choose between two games :)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 3, 2018, 10:23:39 AM

Thank you for reporting this, and thank you Evgenopolis for being so understanding.

We are aware of these issues, but as you can tell, we have so far not been able to find a solution that solves these problems in all cases. Unfortunately, I can't provide any real details on the status of these issues. I am not even certain if this is one issue or several issues.

I am very sorry that some of your games can not be finished, but hope that the problems are at least becoming less frequent. In the meantime please keep sharing your saves and logs, as they might shed some more light on the source of these issues for us.

Updated 6 years ago.
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