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First post and it's a well edited nightmare of bugs with plenty of screenshots documenting them

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6 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 12:49:06 AM

I am pulling my hair out over not being able to build behemoths, not being able to equip modules that I have researched that just aren't an equippable option, and finally for no reason at all building queues randomly going missing.

See all images in one post: https://imgur.com/gallery/EyJVSsk

So here's the deal while I like this game I need to be taken to school be a senior player here as to what is going on. There has got to be some glaringly obvious fucking thing that I am missing. Or is this game really in version 1.3.3 already and still this bug riddled over a year post launch?

Image 1.1: https://i.imgur.com/Ahklacz.jpg
Image 1.2: https://i.imgur.com/59Ki6wR.jpg
Image 1.3: https://i.imgur.com/W7LF7OW.jpg
Image 1.4: https://i.imgur.com/QMXQJHC.jpg
Image 1.5: https://i.imgur.com/gpZWDPL.jpg

Issue 1
Ok so onto the first stated issue, not being able to build behemoths? As you can see in picture 1.1 here I have a juggernaut version 5 design and an Obliterator version 2 design. There is econ/military 2/economy as well. So let's back out of ship design here for a bit and go to a colony to build a juggernaut or obliterator. Ok well in picture 1.2 you can clearly see that option for either an obliterator or a juggernaut is completely missing for no explained reason at all in this game. What's that I'm possibly over my maximum behemoths removing that option from the build queues? Nope in picture 1.3 here you can see I only have 1 of 8 behemoths. Now while playing this game through I've had the option to build a juggernaut or an obliterator before with that one single behemoth active in the game and just didn't want to yet, then without any explanation anywhere the option is gone. So possibly a quest restricting such action right? Well you see I thought of that too so go to picture 1.4 and you'll see the active quest list, the only heavy big dick quest going on right now is that part of the academy - finale quest and in the provided screenshot it explains that we can't buy/recruit hero's atm nor can they be healed at all. Maybe it's the final chapter of your Riftborn quest? Nope image 1.5 also proves that there is no restrictions in place over that. I can keep posting screenshots of what is and isn't active but the long story short of it is I only have 4 active fleets, I have free heroes that aren't assigned and I'm not over-colonized while running a religious federation at the moment for my government. We're on turn 414 of the 600 with all kinds of wonder and shit built up with no real reason as for why any of this bullshit should be restricted.

Image 2.1: https://i.imgur.com/KOx3iCt.jpg
Image 2.2: https://i.imgur.com/egK6J27.jpg
Image 2.3: https://i.imgur.com/c4bYDhf.jpg

Issue the 2nd
Here are screenshots of this second issue more in depth of not being able to equip modules that are already researched and nowhere to be found. Ok so as you can see the extreme terraformation module is researched and completed here entirely in image 2.1 We go into building a behemoth design, here I'm editing the science behemoth, even with 5 open support slots, obsolete modules shown and a stellar analytics module equipped there is no extreme terraformation module option to be equipped. Don't use a scientific behemoth, try a regular one instead? Ok no problem consult picture 2.1 where I'm creating my own behemoth from scratch exact same problem. What's that equip in ascending order all terraforming modules from stellar analytics to terraformation to extreme terraformation? No as you can see in both pictures 2.2 and 2.3 here that it never unlocks that option even with the base tree module stellar analytics attached.

Image 3.1: https://i.imgur.com/sBMNSiv.jpg
Image 3.2: https://i.imgur.com/O5DEvHN.jpg
Image 3.3: https://i.imgur.com/uBe41BX.jpg

Issue 3
For the third and final issue I have I don't really have a way to screenshot you all this one The best way I could come up with here was to show you that I have the available third trading company slot freed up and I have a new trading company requesting a headquarters here in image 3.1. Ok so come out here to Bushir one of my most populated systems that I own period in the game. No option to build a corporate HQ at all Image 3.2;  You can see an overview of the galaxy as it stands right now, I'm the blue team and my current headquarters are in Cilphi and Dorado here in image 3.3. So I thought a possible issue might've been hmmn, maybe for some reason the HQ's have to be put in a totally different area's that aren't connected to each other via influence. Seems like a logical issue to resolve right? Wrong, Cilphi and Dorado here in picture 3.3 have been connected since like turn 100 far before my militaristic insanity got around to researching this corporate crap in turn 300 that's really not doing anything anyways because my 25% market tax generates me more cash than god, so much so that I've been negative dust income the entire game and been the richest player on the board by miles anyways. Still doesn't explain why I can't build a 3rd hq anywhere, and no the third hq isn't already in queue to be built somewhere else on another system I've checked that as well, but I'm not going to sit here and post like 30 screenshots showing you every single system's building queue as that's ridiculous.

Picture 4.1: https://i.imgur.com/I7iBVrB.jpg
Picture 4.2: https://i.imgur.com/JxVjCUd.jpg

Issue 4 BonuRound
Bonus round question. WHAT THE IN LITERAL FUCK IS THE DEFINITION OF 'HOME WORLD' VERSUS 'EMPIRE'. I understand the crown icon above a system states that 'this is a faction's home' *See picture 4.1* and is placed on your first settled colony after quite some time in the game maybe around turn 200 or so when I've got some wonders built up. Completely randomly with no explanation or definition as to why, just like your influence sphere that seem to grown out of the purturbed anus's of the planets we inhabit around turn 100 with no explanation at all either. So nowhere in the game have I had a explanation or hint or whatever technology shit in order to 'create a 2nd home world'! Meanwhile the vaulters earlier in the game had 2 'home planets' side by side which I don't have a screenshot to show you and explain it out beyond the fact that I've seen a faction with multiple home worlds. So what is your empire? Whatever the fuck is in your blue blob of control? Seems to make sense right? But no explanation is ever given to you about that meanwhile you've got like 80 researched tech or hero abilities in their trees that affect your 'empire' as stated in picture 4.2.

Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to read and any feedback/schooling is appreciated. If you'd like to get in touch and hangout to talk about it dm me and I'll give you mis discord info or even if you'd just like to have someone to actually play online with, I'm looking to get into longer online games with some patient who have the time to play through a set or leave the board and come back another day to it.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 2:06:28 AM

Issue 1: Okay so your perceived problem is that you can't build an Obliterator Behemoth and a Juggernaut Behemoth from the Ship Selection Screen on your systems? 

You need to construct a Behemoth first, and then transform it into one of the three options (Obliterator/Juggernaut/Citadel). The option to upgrade a Behemoth is located above as a small triangle when you click on the Behemoths Fleet. 

There was never the option to build Obliterators/Juggernauts/Citadels straight from the systems Ship Selection Screen (even in Beta)

Issue 2: You have not researched the necessary technology for Extreme Terraformation. As thus, you cannot equip your Behemoths with that module. The number next to the technology (Behemoth Advanced Climatology) is there b/c it is number 6 in the queue to be researched. Once it is researched the module will appear in the Behemoth design screen. The number will also disappear. As you can see in the pictures below, there is no number next to the technology Behemoth Advanced Climatology, and the module is unlocked in my Behemoth ship editor. 

Issue 3: This one is super simple, you built a Trade Company Subsidiary on Bushir. You cannot have both the Trade Company Headquarters and a Trade Company Subsidiary on the same System. The Icon for the Trade Company Headquarters is the 3 Hexagons (one large, two small) located above the System name when looking at the galaxy, while the Trade Company Subsidiary is the single Hexagon located above the System name. You must delete the Trade Company Subsidiary from the System Improvements screen and then you will have the options to construct a Trade Company Headquarters or another Trade Company Subsidiary. 

This is a step by step. 

-Click on the system with the Trade Company Headquarters or Subsidiary. 

-On the Left side of the screen (where FIDS production, population types, manpower, system level, etc are located) you should see the Dust Symbol next to a number (it's on the right of the Systems manpower). 

-Click on the circle with the buildings in it that is located next to that number (hovering over it will cause a pop up to appear that says, "Opens the list of Improvements constructed on this System, allowing you to optimize your upkeep cost.") 

-Find the Trade Company Headquarters or Trade Company Subsidiary System Improvement that you want to demolish. 

-Click on it and then Click scrap (it'll award Dust as a return cost). 

-Go to the system construction and choose which system improvement (Trade Company Headquarters or Trade Company Subsidiary) that you want to build. 

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 2:21:04 AM

This is exciting, you definitely nailed issue 1 and 2 instantly! Thank you so much, I wish there had been some bouncy thing trying to get my attention for issue one the first time I made a behemoth, that would've been fun to see learn from. But at the same time I'm happier in a way that a lot goes unexplained and non hand holding because it's rather exciting randomly figuring stuff out, like it took me til turn 200 area to even figure out how to use my tanks/planes in ground wars. As for issue two I feel like a dunce, but I knew someone could help take me to school online and figure this stuff out with me! Thank you so much Suis3i for caring!

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6 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 3:10:08 AM

Issue 4: Homeworld is the capital of your faction. In the case of non-custom factions, such as the United Empire, the Vodyani, Hissho, etc their homeworlds are as follows. 

United Empire: Raia

Riftborn: Vanguard

Unfallen: Koyasil

Lumeris: Jenes

Sophons: Hekim 

Hissho: Uchi

Horatio: Horatio Prime

Vodyani: Tchinomy 

Vaulters: Theirs is technically Auriga, however, as they are refugees from the Endless Ice Age (see Winters in Endless Legend) their homeworld in-game (the one with the Crown icon above it) would be whichever planet they colonize first

Cravers: Similar to the Vaulters. Their homeworld in-game is Husk (aka the planet they start on and the one with the Crown Icon above it). In the lore, their homeworld is one of 3 choices since they are an artificially "created" species (through genetic manipulation by the Virtual Endless). This can either be Bejek (where most of the research into creating them was done), Kovanjuv (Factory Homeworld of the Cravers), or the Infinite Factory (homeworld of the Wasps/Craver Primes) 

Custom Faction: Whichever planet you start on or if using the trait Involuntary Nomads, whichever planet you colonize first. 

The Crown Icon actually appears right on turn one or in the case of the Vaulters or a faction using the trait Involuntary Nomads, whichever turn (likely between 1-6turns) you colonize a planet. As you can see in the picture below. 

 (Continue below the picture for the definition of your Empire and how it is different from your Homeworld, as well as an answer to your question how the Vaulters got 2 homeworlds)

Alright, so your Empire is both the systems you directly control and in a broader sense, the area of Influence of your Empire and the faction you are playing as. That is your Empire. 

The difference between Empire and your Homeworld is that one is a singular planet, while the other is the entirety of your faction and all it encompasses. 

+1 on Empire (or +2, +3, etc) simply mean that those Technologies, Empire improvements, or skills affect the entire Empire or a piece of the Empire that is not relegated to a singular system, planet, hero, fleet, etc. 

The Technology that you stated, Cultural Invertics, adds a number of systems that can be colonized before a public order penalty is initiated on all systems in your Empire before over-colonization (over-colonization is going over the set number of systems that you can colonize before all of your people begin to dislike your colonizing tendencies). For example, I think the colonization limit is 11 (too lazy to check rn) but with Cultural Invertics instead of 11 you can colonize up to 13 before penalties are issued on all your owned systems. The other piece of that technology is Autonomous Administration, which is a System Improvement for level 4 systems that will increase the colonization limit +1 on Empire. Basically, you can colonize an unlimited amount of systems if you build that System Improvement on every system.

As you can see below, my colonization limit is 12 but if I construct the Autonomous Administration improvement on another system it will be 13. (The Colonization mechanics work slightly different for the Hissho though) 

You can only gain multiple home planets by conquering the home planet of another player (or colonizing it, if, let's say it was abandoned, razed, or destroyed through Obliterators/Planet Crackers). Though I'm not sure if, in all my hundreds of hours of playing this game, that I've seen two home planets directly next to each other (I have seen ones in the same constellation due to too many players and too small a galaxy, like 11 players on a small galaxy with a low planet amount, for example). That is likely what you saw. Two factions that spawned next to each other, and at some point, the Vaulters seized the other factions home planet. 

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 3:11:48 AM

Yeah of course dude, glad I could help, I edited the first post so it includes Issue 3 and I just added Issue 4 !  If you have any more questions or issues (that aren't bugs) just ask and I'm happy to help ! 

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