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The Curse of Turn 30 - Multiplayer Freeze Point

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6 years ago
Aug 11, 2018, 2:11:00 AM

My friend and I have been playing for nearly two months. Highly enjoyable game. When we each play alone, very few problems. When we try to play a multiplayer game though... We very rarely get beyond turns 30-36. So rare in fact it hasn't happened in more than 3 weeks. In all the 'protected' games we've played, we've only see turn 100 twice (both of those games were 4 player games, 2 ai, 2 humans; even so the turns by this point were extremely slow and required frequent reloads.)

We use steam, turn off everything in our houses connecting to the internet, graphics setting on fastest, all settings on normal (most of the time). We've both taken turns hosting. Typically the first 20-some turns usually go great. Every once in a while the game starts to lag, we reload a save and we're back on track... until the curse of turn 30.

So, what's the problem? Bad internet, glitchy game, inferior pc's? The only thing we found online was running the game in adminsistrator, but that didn't even work. 

When we reload saves, we can get a few extra turns in sometimes, but it's inconsistent. 

Honestly, this is a last ditch attempt to keep this game in our multiplayer rotation. If we can't find a way around this freezing problem, there's no point in keeping it around. It's a shame, we really enjoy it, it's a fun relaxing single player game. We love playing it as as multiplayer game despite the issues we've had, but like I said, there's no point in trying to keep playing if we keep running into this turn 30-ish log jam. There has to be a way to play without hard reboots or reloads every other turn.

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