So recently started playing ES2 again, or trying to at least after a few months of not playing and all of a sudden I'mg etting this crazy crash. I load up the game and it's fine. I go to start a new game and if I watch the intro cutscene for whatever race, after a few seconds windows crashes to BSoD and restarts.

If I skip the cutscene, after a minute or two the game kinda of crashes? I get a pop up saying that the program isn't responding. I choose to wait and eventually the screen looks normal but doesn't move. If I click around on the screen or press buttons I hear sound effects like the game is still actually running, just... not showing me that.

I've tried other games such as Arma 3, Euro Truck Simulator, Stellaris, Insurgency: Sandstorm, the rest of the Endless series and ES2 is the ONLY game that gives me this problem. I've updated my drivers and that changed nothing. I've verfied the cache, done a fresh install, nothing.

I'd post crash logs but there isn't any to speak of.