I'm having the same graphical issues that a number of other Mac users have posted in this forum and the Steam forum over the past year (examples: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/73-tech-support/threads/30095-mac-unable-to-go-anywhere-from-main-menu?page=1, https://steamcommunity.com/app/392110/discussions/0/1291816880494871371/) which has made the game unplayable. I tried adding "-compat" to the Steam launch options, and changing the graphics to "fastest" in both "registry.xml" files. (I couldn't change that option in-game due to the graphics bug itself.) And neither of those things helped.

This bug seems to have been around for a long time now without being fixed, and in every instance I've found in which people have posted about it here or on the Steam forum, no solution appears to have been found, and the developers have given no indication that they're working on addressing it. I'm wondering though if perhaps they have said somewhere that they're working on it, and I missed it.

Or, if someone has found a solution that I somehow missed, please let me know. Otherwise, I plan to get a refund.

I'm running the game on a 2012 Macbook Pro running macOS 10.14.

The main menu (note the messed up mouse-over tooltip):

The "New Game" screen:

The "Join Game" screen:

The "Options" screen (despite being entirely invisible, I can tell that there some buttons on this screen by moving around my cursor, clicking and sometimes getting click sound effect):

The main menu after using the escape key to get back to it from a submenu:

Thanks for your help!