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Waiting for Game Data , Random Turn Battle stuck

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6 years ago
Nov 1, 2018, 10:15:46 AM


I have 2 issues that are not letting me play the game. And I would like support so they can be resolved.

When I Host a game my friend can connect to the lobby, but when we start the game he is stuck at Waiting for game Data and we can not start the game. 

if he hosts the game I can connect and play.

Second issue, at some point in the game when he have hosted and I have connected, I get stuck in the Battle screen. Clicking Battle, viewing the battle or not does not do anything and we can not end the turn. Second issue at around Tunr 40-80 in one if the elections the screen get stuck again, and we can not end the turn. 

I will be awaiting for your prompt reply what needs to be done and how the game can be fixed to be playable. 

Thank you.

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6 years ago
Nov 1, 2018, 5:18:23 PM

Hello ?

Is this the official support forum of Endless Space 2 ? 7 hours have passed and there is not even acknowedgment from the Support staff that they are looking in to this issue.

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6 years ago
Nov 15, 2018, 11:34:39 AM

I'll look into the status of these bugs for you.

However, the first issue may be related to external factors, so I would like to ask you to provide some additional information on your antivirus and firewall configuration.

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6 years ago
Nov 15, 2018, 12:22:36 PM

I am using widows defender that is build in the OS. The game is allowed through the firewall. I have red through a lot even tryed to add port extension on my router which is totaly unneccesary in my opinion with no effect.

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6 years ago
Nov 25, 2018, 7:21:46 PM

I'll hit you actually with another info, I have even reinstalled my windows all together to see if it was something related to the actual OS because was not reinstalled in some time.

Have not done this for any other game, so, Windows is actually reinstalled and Up to date. This is not related to my OS or performance, there is not a single other game that gives me this kind of issue. Not a single one in existence.

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6 years ago
Dec 5, 2018, 11:08:26 PM
Johnnyy017 wrote:

I'll hit you actually with another info, I have even reinstalled my windows all together to see if it was something related to the actual OS because was not reinstalled in some time.

Have not done this for any other game, so, Windows is actually reinstalled and Up to date. This is not related to my OS or performance, there is not a single other game that gives me this kind of issue. Not a single one in existence.

I had a similar issue. We deleted our Registry.XML files and were able to create multiplayer games once more.

Perhaps there is some issue where a multiplayer game is stuck trying to resolve differences in saved game creation settings between both parties. That's my guess. We had zero problems for the past few years of multiplayer but this most recent attempt to get a game going had issues. We did some digging and found someone with slightly similar issues and CyRob proposed the deletion of Registry.XML  ...

(found here) \%My Documents%\Endless Space 2\Users\[SteamID]\Registry.xml 

... and it worked like a charm. Thanks CyRob.

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