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[PC] Game crashes on turn 554 to 555, previous saves also crash at same turn end

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6 years ago
Dec 1, 2018, 3:18:45 PM

I have reached turn 554  and tried multiple times from multiple save points but always end up crashing when trying to go to turn 555. I tried loading a save right before i end the turn but cannot even get that save to load, it crashes straight to desktop.  

I have tried previous fixes, made EP2 run as admin, applied Nvdia program 3D management, deleted registry, verified intergity of game files and also moved the install folder and reinstalled the game.

Supporting documents uploaded.


Diagnostics - 2018'11'30 @1302'49''.html

Diagnostics - 2018'12'01 @0940'55''.html

Diagnostics - 2018'12'01 @0945'25''.html


Thanks for all the help.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 2, 2018, 2:19:15 PM

Im having the same crash, I need help! My crash sends me to desktop around turn 230. Thats absurd!

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6 years ago
Dec 3, 2018, 10:35:54 AM

I've forwarded your logs. If you have any save games from just before it crashes, that could prove useful as well.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 12, 2018, 2:25:08 PM


We've resolved your issue, it came from a rare bug in the game if you had at the same time the Lumeris III collection bonus, and Zelevas Incarnate improvement built. As we are still some time away from a patch, I'm going to give you the file to replace and it should hopefully fix your issue.

In the steam folder of the game, go to the Public folder, then the Simulation folder. Then replace the file SimulationDescriptors[PopulationCollectionBonus].xml with the one I have attached here : SimulationDescriptors[PopulationCollectionBonus].xml

A (less ideal) alternative is for you to scrap the Zelevate Incarnate improvement and not build it again in the game, unless you never reach 50 Lumeris pop (time for a purge maybe :D) ?

We're very sorry for the inconvenience.

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6 years ago
Dec 15, 2018, 3:35:12 PM


The fix works perfectly! Got throught the rest of the game with no issues. 

Thanks so much for all the help and work fixing the issue. 

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