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[PC] Game crash about 20-30 seconds after turn 427

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6 years ago
Dec 16, 2018, 12:05:11 PM

Hey there,

Would I use my save or an autosave the issue is the same. I can end my turn properly, but soon when the other turn begins (I get my notifications, I can see AI ships moving, etc.), the game crash. I've tried doing nothing, going to Diplomacy, leveling heroes, it seems to be a matter of time rather than a matter of me doing something. The game just shuts itself to desktop with no error messages. Computer doesn't seem to be overheating, everything else work fine. 

Here are the required files

Diagnostics - 2018'12'16 @0643'09''.html

Diagnostics - 2018'12'16 @0754'41''.html


No output logs for some reasons, most likely because I have no error message? As you can see I have no message for today. 

I've tried running compatibility mode, restart computer, verifying files on Steam, my GPU driver is up to date, turning down graphics, turning down notification, trying Fullscreen / Borderless. 

I would love to finish my game :(   Please send help!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 17, 2018, 2:30:04 PM

Does this happen only on this specific save, or is this an issue you run into frequently? Could you provide the save game of the turn in which it crashes?

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6 years ago
Dec 17, 2018, 7:04:38 PM

It's the first time I ran into it but it might happen again in an other game but honestly I don't feel like playing up to that point to have everything crash again. By all means Endless Space is super fun and the journey is too, but if I can't stop the fear of not being able to end a game I would rather play something else, which is the reason I don't know the answer to your question.

However, if it helps, I tried to save prior to the bug (aka: when I press End of Turn, the game will then crash soon) and used many autosaves created every time. I also tried to go back two turns earlier and played the same, still crashed.

I'll link one save and if you need more I'll try to fetch others, but I can't be sure I'll find more. 

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