
  I know it is a known issue but after spending hours looking for solutions and trying things I still can't figure out what to do. So here I am.

Ship combat phases run perfectly smoothly, I mean my PC is beyond max spec. I also know that computer "thinks" during my turn and that it probably comes from CPU use but when in galaxy map mode there are some odd stuttering issues even long after turn has begun.

For example each time I discover a new system and click on it there is a fast zoom and most of the time it just goes from one image to another instead of showing me the zoom from galaxy to system. After that planets description runs perfectly fine most of the time.

When I order my ship to move somewhere lag often occurs too.

Sometimes lag even affects animations in notification windows.

After watching videos on Youtube I realized that most people had the same problem. 

It doesn't prevent me from playing but these stutterings quite break the atmosphere of the game which is a pity.

This is an elegant game, I wish I could play it in optimal conditions, especially having a decent PC.

Are there solutions ?