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Desyncs and Long Synchronizations

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6 years ago
Jan 28, 2019, 9:30:44 AM

I love this game, it is the best 4x strategy ever. But you cannot play multiplayer games, every update it becomes worse and worse. Incredibly long synchronizations, desyncs all the time, it is just impossible to play. This game can provide just a singleplayer experience. I'm so disappointed :( Guys, if you hear me, please, do something with your network part, it is horrible. And you cannot use the same solution in all of your games anymore. Because I've played a bit Endless Legend, and it was absolutely the same, desyncs and synchronization issues. I'm really ready to buy the next DLC "ES2_PerfectMultiplayerExperience" :) 

This Saturday we played 6 players multiplayer game, we played 5 hours, and we were on turn 40, last 10 turns took half of this time and we were needed to wait after each battle too long. if someone attacked someone it is a disaster. everyone becomes stuck for 4-8 minutes, it is not a joke. And from turn 30 we started getting desyncs. everytime it takes too much time to reload the session. Next turns calculations can take up to 5 minutes. We had a good server pc and everyone had a good internet connection. And everyone was upset, we could not play this game, and just wasted our time :(

P.S. We don't have any problems to play CIV6 with the same people. We just love ES2 more. But you don't let us enjoy the game.

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6 years ago
Jan 29, 2019, 4:53:53 PM


Love the game, love the new expansion, but for some reason I've been getting multiplayer desyncs WAY MORE OFTEN after Penumbra. Happens every 3 turns or so and makes the game unplayable (siege defense doesn't progress, research doesn't finish, building queue doesn't finish).

Hoping for a patch or something.

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6 years ago
Feb 4, 2019, 3:42:06 PM

Have the same problem. Desync each 10-15 turns or even more often. But extra to this very very very long battle calculations and "next turn" proceeding. Sometimes we have force close application and relaunch. As result it's not possible to play more than 30-40 turns. 

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