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[PC] New Game won't load, then hangs on "Connecting to Server / Launching Game"

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6 years ago
Jan 31, 2019, 12:11:03 AM

Upon setting up a new game and starting, the game fails to load. On a second try in the same instance the game gets held up on "Connecting to Server".

Both times all of the game settings / variables are all the same. 

I was able to get a game to load using bare minimum variables: 3 Players, smallest galaxy, fewest constellations, etc. Using normal settings for anything yields the crash. 

I've tried mixing up the paramaters, using different factions, etc.

Diagnostic Files:

Diagnostics - 2019'01'30 @1810'52''.html

Diagnostics - 2019'01'30 @1834'26''.html



Attempt #1:

Attempt #2 (in same session):

After forcing the game to close with task manager steam still shows it's running. I have to exit steam and force it to close ES2.

I am not using any Mods.

Thank you

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6 years ago
Jan 31, 2019, 10:05:03 AM

I can see some errors that I think are related to galaxy generation in your diagnostics. I've heard before that sometimes Antivirus programs can conflict with the Galaxy Generator by denying it access to its files. Could you try what happens if you whitelist the game in your antivirus as described in the Common Issues Thread? If you are able to start a game then, please tell us what Antivirus software you are using, so we can look into the conflict.

Issues like this can also sometimes be cause if the game is installed in a folder that uses special characters in its path. In that case, a fresh install in a different folder may be necessary.

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6 years ago
Feb 17, 2019, 11:27:54 PM

Thank you for getting back to me, and I apologize for such a late reply.

I tried whitelisting as described in the common issues thread. After that did not work, I disabled my antivirus and was still unable to load a game.

I've tried just about everything else in the thread, including running the game as administrator, checking to make sure all folders are readable and writeable, running in windows 7 compaitibilty, etc. 

My game path is:     "G:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2"

I ran steam's verify integrity of game files once again. It said it had "1 0f 1 files" to fix, but the error still continues. 

Everything is up to date, and I currently am not having any issues with any other games. 

Any other suggestions?

Thanks again!

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6 years ago
Feb 20, 2019, 2:03:29 AM

I've tried verifying games with my Antivirus disabled. I've also tried disabling my VPN, and still no success. I've had Mono installed, but I'm not sure how I would check the integrity of it? I've went ahead and added the Mono folder and subfolders to my antivirus whitelist as well.

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5 years ago
Mar 22, 2019, 11:38:50 PM

I've accidently fixed my issue. I upgraded my G drive I used primarily for games from a Hard Drive to an SSD. When I upgraded I simply moved all of the contents of the HDD to the SSD and set the drive path of the SSD to G, which was what my HDD was. I am now able to succesfully start a new game.

Thank you for the previous help in trying to determine what was at fault.

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