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Econemy breaks at round 80-100

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6 years ago
Jan 31, 2019, 9:37:20 AM

Diagnostics - 2019'01'29 @2229'19''.htmlSince i updated the game with "Celestial worlds","Supremacy","Lost Symphony" and "untold tales", the intire game is unplayable. At some point between Round 80-100 my Dust income flips from plus (1.000-5.000) to minus (3.000-16.000). I am not sure if it depends on a technolegy, on building several leviathans, a building or something else.....

it doesnt matter which race or tactic i play at some point the econemy breaks. 

some days ago i reportet this to SEGA (at that time the econemy problem startet, because after the upgrade, it was not possibel to build a second and third Trade Cooperation), so i inaktivatet the updates, but that did not solve the problem, so i deleted the game and reinstalled it, that solved the problem with Cooperations, but the breaking Econemy is still happening.

On thing that i can also discribe at this point, when the econemy braeks, it is like all the dust inflation disappears except from the maintenance of the building and ships!

Anothe thing is, that the intire market changed after the updates, prices now can go down to zero and are generally lower....that makes trading a lot more difficult

so in the end, i am not sure if all this problems are connected, but i cannot play and enjoy the game anymore.

So i would be pleased if someone could help me or fix the problem.

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