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G2G ES2 Bug reports forum seems broken.

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6 years ago
Feb 2, 2019, 10:05:01 AM

When I tried to view first page of Bug reports forums, I got following error message: An error occured with your last action. Please reload or contact an administrator if this error persists.

I tried to close/reopen browser, and/or using InPrivate mode, but nothing helps.

This happens only first page; second page and after that, I could read contents normally.

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6 years ago
Feb 3, 2019, 2:11:47 PM

I had the same error message but only on page 2 of this forum. It was with chrome. Everything else was good...

I try with Edge and Firefox : it was OK.

I try Crtl+F5 (to force reload the page) with Chrome : always the same error message...

Finally, I cleaned up the Chrome cache and it was good!

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6 years ago
Feb 3, 2019, 3:09:10 PM


Currently, page 1 is displayed correctly. However, page 2 is broken as same manner.

I think there are some threads/posts that caused this issue in Bug reports forum...

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