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[PC] Turn end stuck at pending during multiplayer game

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6 years ago
Feb 3, 2019, 10:58:15 AM

Hi, my friend and I are playing a multiplayer game against 6 AI players. We've had it get stuck a couple times at the end of a turn where it resolved itself by saving/reloading the game. Tonight, however, we got stuck at the end of turn 100 and nothing we could do got past it. We tried saving/reloading the game as it, loading a previous turn (we'd only played one turn before getting stuck). The first time we loaded the previous turn it was stuck at turn 99 for a few minutes but eventually resolved itself, but turn 100 was stuck again after that.

I've attached the save file I made when it was stuck. I was playing as the Riftborn and my friend was playing as the United Empire

I've zipped the diagnotics since the HTML file was 90MB uncompressed.

Diagnostics - 2019'02'03 @1917'15''.zip



2 turns.sav

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 14, 2019, 8:01:03 AM

Actually it looks like the latest patch may have fixed this. Thanks! It might have been caused by a government switch to Federation?

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