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Stuck on fleet movement

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6 years ago
Feb 5, 2019, 1:19:58 PM

Completely stuck trying to get my fleets to move along the star lanes.

Playing on a mac, so as far as I'm aware it should be ctrl mouse click (ie right mouse click), but it doesn't work at all.

The only way I can move anything is via the "explore" button, which doesn't give me any control over where they go! Help please!

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6 years ago
Feb 6, 2019, 3:16:37 PM

Literally everything else in the game works perfectly. Just cannot move my ships other than "autoexplore" which means I cant attack, cant resupply or colonize other systmes once theyve been "explored". Very frustrating!

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 6:40:25 AM

Left click to select fleet, right mouse click on destination to move on starlanes. In case you don't see the destination at the end of starlane (unexplored) right mouse click on starlane (that part of starlane closest to your system what your fleet stays in). Starlane is highlighted if you hover over before right mouse click.

For to move in free space (you need the tech first) select fleet by left mouse button click and right mouse button click on destination you aim for (what has to be visible for your empire) . Fleet will choose fastest path this case. To force fleet to take direct path (A to B) choose fleet, keep pressing ctrl and to execute right mouse button click on destination.

Updated 6 years ago.
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