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Save games won't load

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6 years ago
Feb 6, 2019, 7:21:38 PM

Diagnostics - 2019'02'06 @1931'27''.html



I do have a problem with loading savegames. All of sudden my savegames won't load anymore. I played several games without problems until the end with hundreds of rounds and dozens of savegames. Never had any problem. Now when I try to load the last savegame, I get an error like " ein schwerwiegender Fehler ist aufgetreten". I do have german language activated. I would translate this to sth like " serious error. If this problem should occur again, please contact Games2Gether..." which I hereby do.

I tried to load a different savegame (the last autosave) as well. With the same result. I tried to load another, much older savegame. Same  result.

I tried to start a new game, and this succeeded. But I can not load any savegame, as it seems. I tried to load 4 or 5 different savegames before I gave up. None of them would load.

Please advice.

Thanks in adavance

Kind regards


Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 9:18:28 AM

Thank you for the report. I've passed it along, but I'd like to ask what game version these saves where started on, as that may be relevant to the problem.

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6 years ago
Feb 21, 2019, 7:09:32 PM


I did not respond yet, because the next day the problem was no longer there. Disappeared all of sudden just as it appeared. But today it reappeared.

Hm, game version. What do you mean game version? I always keep the game up to date. Updates are installed automatically.

There is nothing about the game version in this Diagnostics - sth.html I uploaded?

Please advice


Kind regards


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6 years ago
Feb 21, 2019, 7:24:29 PM


one more remark: I can't start a new game as well. I try to translate the notifications when trying to start a new game from german:

Connection to server established

Starting game

Game started

Game started and ready

That's where it hangs forever

Please advice

Kind regards


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6 years ago
Feb 21, 2019, 7:43:28 PM

Hello ,

yet another remark: I can start a new game, when playing vanilla without mods. The mods I use usually are

1) Endless sessions

2) another one, that gives control over which race is populating a system. I.e. gives the ability to clone and assimilate all non-player races that already are on the planet

I forgot the name of mod 2) . If it is of any importance, I can deliver that in addition

kind regards


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