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Desync report instructions

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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 9:09:02 AM


I have read the instructions about desync reporting and would like to ask, if they are up-to-date. I am asking, because I have had desync issues in my 2 player multiplayer game a lot (approximately every 2 turns around turn 50) and every time the desync occured, I clicked OK to automatically send a bug report.

So the question is, if my game desynced and I have given the game permission to send the bug report somewhere, is it necessary to report the bug on this forum according to the instructions for reporting desyncs?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 7, 2019, 9:26:51 AM

The game automatically generates the desync reports, but it does not send them. You can find them in "Endless Space 2/Dump Files," one folder for each report, and upload them here by attaching them to your post.

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