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Game crashes constantly and consistently after macOS 10.14.3 update

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6 years ago
Feb 10, 2019, 6:36:34 AM

Hi Amplitude,

Just wanted to report that, after the latest macOS 10.14.3 update, the game crashes pretty soon (1-2 minutes) after loading/creating a new game. Just browsing the systems and moving around the systems/empire screen makes the game crash or hard crash with a computer reset.

Game version is the latest, 1.4.7 S5 GOLD-Public.

The game is pretty much unplayable on a Mac at this point.

The only log I managed to salvage is this one, after a soft crash:

Tried running with the -compat Launch Option, but that did not help. Will try reinstalling the game and update the topic.

Could you please look into this issue?
Thanks for this awesome game!

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6 years ago
Feb 13, 2019, 8:48:54 PM

Hey Cat, here's a small update:

  1. Seems that the Mono Library is the culprit. Manually updating the Mono Library to the latest version, 5.18.0, helped imensely! The game still crashes, but at least not after 1-2 minutes =) The version that comes bundled with the game is 4.8.0, which is a bit older - Feb 2017. Maybe you guys can look into it.
  2. To help with debuging here's my Diagnostics log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7mzm6rglrt8v79e/Diagnostics%20-%202019%2702%2713%20%402109%2702%27%27.html?dl=0
  3. And the Player log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ric3e0tdwy53nt4/Player.log?dl=0

Could you also please pass this feedback to the devs?


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