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Constant Desync in multiplayer (every few turns) and XML discrepancies

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6 years ago
Feb 23, 2019, 9:19:28 PM

Me and my buddy have just started playing ES2 online, I've had the game for ages and he just got it.

I've never had any issues singleplayer, but everytime we try to join eachother, we get an XML discrepancies error that tells us to verify integrity of files.

We have both done this and I have since wiped the XML files from the public folder, but to no avail.

We can't get this XML discrepancy error to go away, but it still lets us play.

The XML warning does mention that it may cause desync and that is exactly the problem we get.

We get desyncs every 10-15 turns at the start of the game, but around the 120 turn mark (quick game speed) it is every other turn.

Our only workaround is to end our turn at the exact same time, as this USUALLY lets us pass, but still getting errors every few turns.

We have even had a desync, load back in and the very next turn have to reload. 

This really ruins the game and I'm wondering if you could assist as there is no info out there about this error and this forum doesn't have any solutions to the XML problem (that I can find)

Willing to attach desync reports as we are about to start a new game and are getting the XML errors straight away.

I'm also going to do a clean reinstall of the game tonight to see if that helps.

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6 years ago
Feb 23, 2019, 9:20:44 PM

Any info you need, just say and I'll grab it, really want to get this sorted as we both love the game but can barely play together

Forgot to add, we have tried clearing the read only attribute from the public folder and also running as admin, no changes.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 25, 2019, 11:01:38 AM

Hey, thank you for your report. We've had other reports of this issue, but none of the previous solutions to the xml discrepancy have worked. So please do share desync reports, diagnostics files, and possibly saves (from both players) to help us investigate further.

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5 years ago
Apr 8, 2019, 8:53:25 AM

Hi guys,

I have a little problem when I play together with a friend.

Everytime I join a game with him a get a message:

Warning: There are differences in runtime configuration (XML files) between you and your host. If you join the session, desynchronization might occur. You may need to check the integrity of your game file on Steam, or maybe the player whose game you want to join.

And the desynchronization occur after a few rounds. I have checked the integrity of my game and I have no idea why I get this error and how to solve it.

Have anyone an idea?

Thanks for your help!

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5 years ago
Apr 11, 2019, 10:08:35 PM

Checking the integrety for me didn't work. 

However, deleting everything in "C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Documents\Endless space 2" removed the xml error when joining a lobby.

Unfortunatly, even though the xml error fucks off, dsync doesn't. Started a new game with friends, we all have the same edition of the game (all addons purchased) and it started getting dsync on the 3rd turn.

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5 years ago
May 14, 2019, 6:53:38 AM

what flyscan said worked for me, well kind of my documents are not in username onedrive documents they are in username documents and I kept my save games and custom factions folders.

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5 years ago
May 21, 2019, 7:41:38 PM

i have been experiencing the same desyncs in multiplayer ussually when we reach turn 70/80 + every other turn it desyncs. 

il try to get more data to send in.

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2 years ago
Mar 11, 2023, 12:08:48 PM

I'm having the same issue with XML discrepancy 4 years later. I can't find any working solution... 

Edit to add that if my friend who owns no DLC tries to host, everyone else gets no XML discrepancy, but I still do. Meanwhile if I try to host (I've got DLCs that they don't), everyone else has XML discrepancy.

I've tried 

- checking integrity of files, 

- uninstalling and reinstalling, 

- deleting registry.xml, 

- deleting the Public folder and Documents/ES2 folder (both followed by integrity checks)

- manually unchecking and re-checking every DLC installation on Steam 

I've also tried giving full read and write permissions to these folders, but somehow this gets reverted to only partial read-only immediately after I make these changes (I am admin and have ownership of the folders).

I'm at my wit's end here, I have a lot of DLC that my friends don't have, but I have read online that they should be accessible to everyone if the host has the DLC, so that shouldn't be the issue... 

Please help me :/...

Updated 2 years ago.
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