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Game is stuck. Unable to take any action.

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5 years ago
Jul 26, 2019, 3:22:06 AM


Hi, After ending turn 262. The game is stuck. I am unable to select points to level up my Ecologist hero. Unable to take action on fleet. I tried to reload the save and the game itself, but the issue still exists.

Negotiation screens with AI only show a blank page (with their picture right next to it). Steam refuses to refund as I have played over 2 hours. This kind of bug only happens in late games. 

I got this game because I liked endless legends. Unlike endless legends, this game is so buggy. I had multiple instances where I had to reload the previous save to unstuck the AI.

I tried to turn on the debug screen to find a fix, but was unable to get the AI unstuck. 

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 26, 2019, 8:41:37 AM

Thank you for the report. I couldn't observe the specific behavior you describe, but still encountered related issues after loading your save. I'll forward your file and report to the team.

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