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Game is very choppy and feels slow

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5 years ago
Aug 17, 2019, 10:31:56 AM

Hi everyone

I've been playing es2 since launch, but in the last couple months I've found a performance issue that has stopped me playing.

I have an FPS counter and the game is running at around 123 fps at 1440p, fantastic quality settings, no vsync and is playing on a 144hz g-sync display.

However, it does NOT look like 123 fps, more like 15-30 frames. The game is very slow and laggy, just zomming in and out on the map is very, very painful. Even the background on the home screen is slow.

I dont really know how to fix it and I've tried everything. Using a different display, running on lowest settings, turning off g-sync, turning vsync on and off (both in game and in the nvidia control panel, syncing both), reinstalling the game, etc. I really have no ideas left.

Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated. This is only a very recent issue that occurred after the last expansion (i think it may be linked to a driver update, maybe).

FYI - I have a 6 core intel cpu, RTX 2080, 32GB DDR4 RAM. I dont think the performance issue is from my system.



Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 2, 2019, 11:43:36 PM

Hm. I had some trouble in general, what lead to similar issues. It was solved when updating from Windows v1803 to v1903. Don't know why it didn't autoupdate, or how I messed it up.

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5 years ago
Sep 3, 2019, 12:07:30 PM

Are you running the UC DLC?
I have found that the whole hacking overlay, while not visible, invites FPS drops back in beta, but did not feel so much recently.

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5 years ago
Sep 5, 2019, 5:44:22 PM

Try running the game exe with the -force-d3d10 and or -force-gfx-direct switch in steam, sometimes it helps when some graphics or cpu processing hardware or drivers timing whatever are acting a little incompatable with the game code n Direct X Visual C++ Runtimes ect.

If that does not work you may want to try uninstalling and reinstall all of your Visual C++ Runtimes x64 and x86 I had to reinstall all mine recently, I reinstall 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015-2019.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 7, 2019, 12:40:24 AM

thanks for the ideas. it seems to have resolved itself, for a strange reason. normally i play on a laptop connected to an alienware graphics amplifier. 

i disconnected the laptop  and the game runs well. it may have been a windows update issue, since i updated windows  recently as well. im away from the external graphics dock, so i havent tried it with the dock, bur will do when i get back to my desk (im out of town). if it still is an issud, ill try the steam launch variation proposed

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5 years ago
Sep 7, 2019, 12:41:40 AM

never hear of aura sync before, i mostly just have a bunch of game platform launchers running the background, but i dont think theyd be an issue

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5 years ago
Sep 9, 2019, 10:29:51 AM

Thanks for the assist, Sublustris. I came back, docked my laptop into the amplifer and had the same issue. Using -force-d3d10 in the launch options in steam and uninstalling all the Visual C++ seemed to have fixed it for me. 

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5 years ago
Sep 11, 2019, 12:59:54 PM

OMG its actually fully fixed now that i updated from windows v1803 to v1903 

The game finally feels snapy and responsive! After spending many hours every other month since June, trying different ways, cleaning drivers with ddu, reinstalling different drivers, trying different monitors, who the hell woulda guessed it was damn windows drivers....as Groo suggested! I did try checking windows update as groo suggested last week, but i only got the option to update to v1903 today for some reason.

If anyone else is finding the game sluggish, check out updating windows first, hopfully it will save you the trouble.

Groo wrote:

Hm. I had some trouble in general, what lead to similar issues. It was solved when updating from Windows v1803 to v1903. Don't know why it didn't autoupdate, or how I messed it up.

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5 years ago
Sep 11, 2019, 2:58:34 PM

Glad you finally could fix it.

How to check out the current windows version: right mouse click on start (on desktop) -> search -> enter "winver"

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