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Two Riftborn Regressions in latest patch

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5 years ago
Nov 4, 2019, 8:09:37 PM

1]   "We are Equals" law just doesn't show up.   Will test on my most recent playthrough, but an earlier one I did a week or so ago; I completed the quest, but simply didn't get the law that's supposed to be the reward for it.

2] Riftborn cannot use Hyperium to accelerate colony development.  I've attached a screenshot of the "rationale" given by the game:

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5 years ago
Nov 5, 2019, 12:28:43 AM

I have had number 2 happen while using certain mods and making custom factions based off of Riftborn template. I never bothered to figure out which traait was doing it exactly though

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5 years ago
Nov 5, 2019, 12:31:12 AM

Number one is a known issue [edit: introduced with or around Awakening's release, IIRC] shared by the Sophon and Lumeris quest reward laws. The devs are aware, but we don't have an ETA on a fix (if I remember a comment from The-Cat-O-Nine-Tales sometime last week correctly). The second sounds familiar, but I don't remember the thread.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Nov 5, 2019, 6:55:39 AM

Second is a known issue too


Might I add third? Stasis singularity doesn't stop invasions. At least it didn't last time I tried. Invasion proceeded normally and I was able to lose a system to it while in stasis.

Updated 5 years ago.
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