Hello guys.

I just purchased the Endless Space 2 bundle during the Steam offer this weekend (netting me all of it except the Awakening expansion), and I'm really liking the game so far but I'm getting an annoying issue with my sound.

Basically the volume of specific, ongoing layers like music or ambient FX, roughly cuts in half anytime I trigger some UI sound effect, something as simple as just mousing my cursor over a menu button. If I don't do anything for twenty or so seconds, the volume goes back to full, but my doing an action will cause the volume to go down again.

It's pretty immersion breaking and frustrating and wondered if anyone had encountered this before or had any suggestions? I've tried updating my video card, sound card and headphone drivers but haven't had any luck yet. My only "solution" has been to play with music and SFX set to 0 and just continue with menu sounds... which feels pretty sad after a while.

Ty for reading