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Immidiate crash with red screen when trying to start a new game. Didn't start like this.

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5 years ago
Jan 22, 2020, 4:04:12 AM

I was playing a new game just fine after update until turn 20 when all of a sudden I couldn't add anything to my production queue's or do anything because it said the "system was busy." I then tried to reload .. froze .. then tried to restart .. Got the error. Tried all my mods one by one but all produced the error. Then tried modless .. Same error. I've gone over the diagnostic files myself. And it looks like the game is trying to load faction traits from the database for a mod that isn't loaded anymore. And even when that mod is loaded it doesn't find the traits. Somehow the game's loading sequence has become completely wrongfooted. I am deleting all local files and re installing in the hope that this somehow fixes it. However the install passed the usual .. restart the computer verify game files steps. Not only that but the "Terran Imperium" faction mentioned in the diagnostic was neither a part of the game I tried to start nor a faction that existed anymore. (I enabled mods so it showed as valid and deleted it.) I appreciate I'm cheating. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. A simple thing like this shouldn't crash the damn game. 

Diagnostics - 2020'01'22 @0343'02''.html

I believe that was the last one I tried to start sans mods.

Pretty much all my diagnostic files have the same error .. It's weird too because I've tried selecting different races .. only to get the united empire loading screen then crash. It's like the game somehow forgot how to set it's own starting paramaters and just keeps trying to load the same doomed game over .. and over .. and over.

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5 years ago
Feb 12, 2020, 6:57:01 PM

Have you tried renaming your "Endless Space 2" folder inside your Documents? Thats where all your saved games and custom configs are stored, if the problem is in one of those, that will fix the problem. You can then try copying your save files back into the new ES2 folder one at a time to see which one is causing the crash.

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