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Aliasing on the text and sometimes glitches

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4 years ago
Apr 11, 2020, 4:35:33 PM


I have aliasing on the text even if I configure the game in the highest quality.. this is weird. How could I fix this? 

And even some glitch on the text ? 

My configuration :

Macbook half 2012
Processor 2,3 GHz Intel Core i7
Graphic Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 Mo

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 21, 2020, 10:14:26 PM

Just started a new game and met this glitch. I haven`t seen it before. Though I have changed a lot of 3d settings few days ago experimenting with graphic settings in other game. And I can`t remember how to fix it for ES2. 

Turning down graphics to simple definetly works, but before I was playing on fantastic and had no such glitch.


Well, I just did a fast test - choose specific settings for EndlessSpase.exe in NVDIA controll panell and turned off almost all settings AO, AF ,AA(all), FFXA, MFAA, Texture filtering(all except quality - High), Threaded optimization, Triple buffering, Vsync. 

G-SYNC - on 

Power: Prefer Maximum perfomance 

Shader cash - on.

Now the image is clear on "Fanastic" at 100 FPS. Text is clear too. As well there was some little picture trembling  - it is gone too. 

Thus some of that settings causing graphic`s issue. But I am too lasy to test every parameter :) 

Maybe later... 


RIG: Core i5, NVIDIA GTX 950(2GB), 16GB RAM, SSD, Windows 7x64. 


Found the cause of this glitch - "Antialiasing - Transparency". Turning off just this setting helps to fix this issue for my PC. Other settings - on. 

Updated 4 years ago.
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