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[PC - Windows 10] Endless Space 2 - Stuck on starting up a new game

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4 years ago
May 5, 2020, 3:06:42 PM


This is a continuation of my Post in the EndlessSpace2 help forum here:


So for a while now I have the issue that I can't start bigger games anymore, smaller games with less AI / galaxy size actually work for some reason. After setting factions and everything it gets me stuck on loading screen after "Connecting to server" and then "Launching game" - usually stops responding afterwards (whitescreen with the standard windows message) (I'm using all DLC's and extensions - no mods).

I have reinstalled my game 2 times now - and did full clean up of all files in both the steam and documents directorys after de-installing as well, verified game cache multiple times. Went through the guides on steam so -> Updated my graphics driver, updated windows, set the game to compatibility mode for windows 7, set the game (and steam) to administrator mode, set white-list in my firewall, disabled Anti-Virus, tried "-novideo", "-compat" and "-force-opengl" launch options, tried different settings in nVIDIA controll panel, installing "Mono" manually and moving it to the /steamapps folder (suggested in the old post) - it seems i also have a mono folder in the ES2 Data folder, cleared steam download cache and googled / tried troubleshooting for multiple hours, all without success of starting games with bigger settings.

Will provide Steam detected PC specs, a DxDiag report, a new output log and a few NEW diagnostics of me trying to run and start up a game with different settings and attempts.

(There are more diagnostics in the old post if needed)

Steam PC Specs.txt



Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1511'05''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1525'32''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1536'40''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1542'56''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1548'12''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1552'57''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1615'05''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1634'26''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1636'38''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'05'05 @1644'03''.html

Thanks for any help in advance and thanks to the other people already trying to help me!


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4 years ago
May 7, 2020, 9:31:32 AM

The error here is:

The error is:

System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Windows mono path not found: C:\Steam\steamapps\mono\mono\mini\mono.exe  at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

This error popped up twice in the last week, here and here. I did some searching and I think it is some Unity issue. What I read was that it can't get what it needs from Microsoft .Net for some reason so it tries to run Mono, but can't do that either and error reports Mono.

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4 years ago
May 12, 2020, 5:02:37 PM

After many hours of trial and error, googling, looking at forum posts etc. I decided to try how low I actually have to set the game settings in order to be able to play... after a while I almost reached max settings. It turns out the only option that was causing issues when i tried loading in to a big game like this is the "High" setting for "Galaxy density" (Meaning there will be 133% instead of 100% of systems). It took so long to just figure out a small thing like this was causing the issue...

Anyways, this seems to be a workaround for now even tho I dont really understand how that is causing a problem.

Thanks to the folks here trying to help out, hope this can be resolved.

- TheCgamer

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