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Performance issues in main menu and during space battles.

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2020, 7:14:43 AM

Good day, I have inessential, but annoying problem, whenever there is ship on my screen (i.e. main menu and space battles), performance drops drastically, to 10-30 fps, almost regardless of graphics quality settings, while all other game works perfectly on best settings. I tried a lot of things, but nothing helps yet (messed around with nvidia control panel, reinstalled visual c++ and net framework, set launch options to enforce different directx versions, checked integrity of files, reinstalled game on ssd, updated windows). It's kinda frustrating to see this problem with 2070. Here's small game log with few minutes of gameplay and single space battle and dxdiag log. diages2.htmlDxDiag.txt

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2020, 7:26:04 AM

Can you try revalidating one more time, then try running the game as administrator? It appears to not be able to find some important files relating to ships, ship statistics, and battle statistics. 

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2020, 9:24:12 AM

Did you give admin rights to Endless Space 2.exe (and Steam.exe) file(s), yet?

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2020, 10:41:38 AM
Groo wrote:

Did you give admin rights to Endless Space 2.exe (and Steam.exe) file(s), yet?

Yes, for both steam and es2 exe files, It helped a bit, but problem still persists (for example, when camera flies over ship in close-up or in main menu, it's still 10-15 fps), but in general fight run in +-40fps now, which is better then before. New log attachedDiagnostics - 2020'06'09 @1332'56''.html

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2020, 10:52:56 AM
CaptainCobbs wrote:

Still the same problems as before, it might be a hardware issue?

I'd assume that I'd have problems in other programs if it was about hardware issue.

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4 years ago
Jul 9, 2020, 6:59:56 AM

This problem is very hard to trouble shoot as performance issues can be caused by a very broad set of things. Have you clean installed your graphics drivers? Can you run a benchmark program such as this to test your graphics card?

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4 years ago
Dec 13, 2020, 10:46:35 PM

for some reason it detected win 8, but my current is win 10 ver 2004, also it's 8gb on 2070

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Mar 12, 2021, 9:21:10 PM

Just as a note this same issue affect my MacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2020) but I think at least in my case it's due to low video memory. I've noticed that if I try to launch the game while I have chrome running (with an ungodly amount of tabs open because I'm THAT guy) it will just sit on a black screen and eventually close itself (no crash report popup like what happens when it crashes. Closing Chrome completely lets the game launch but I still see graphical issues when ships are trying to be rendered on the main menu. I haven't tried to watch a space battle on this machine yet so I don't know for sure if it happens there but I would expect it also to be an issue.

The hero ship and ship modding screens seem to display ships fine though, so I don't think it's anything to do with not finding the models, just having an issue animating the ships in "motion"

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