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[PC] Game doesn't start after creating

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4 years ago
Jul 2, 2020, 1:58:57 AM

Hi there,

so i decided to play ES2 after a long time and after creating a singleplayer game it sends me back to start menu after showing me the following message: "A SERIOUS ERROR HAS OCCURRED - The game has faile to start. If this issue occurs again, please go to the Games2Gether Forum...." etc.

Loading already existing games could be loaded until they got stuck after connecting to the servers in launching game.

I checked twice for damaged Data - nothing.

Windows 10 is updated.

I didn't loaded any mods into the game so that can't be a problem too.

Also there is NO folder with the current date [2020-07-02_....] which contains the error.txt or output_log.txt. (my last folder was create back in january 2019) 

I only have the debug up-to-date with the following written: 

[0702/022652.208:ERROR:settings.cc(325)] Settings version is not 1

I even deleted the game and reinstalled it and yet i get that message that a serious error has occurred.

I hope someone can help me with this.



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4 years ago
Jul 2, 2020, 2:20:36 PM

So i tried some of these suggestions.

Beta Branch didnt work.

I went back to the 1.5.28 version and i tried to join a session created by a friend.

Joining his session were successful and i was able to to load into the game.

But then i tried to create and started the game after my friend joined and i received now a error folder.



I hope this can help now to solve my problem.

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4 years ago
Jul 2, 2020, 9:42:35 PM

Ah, the dreaded:

System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Windows mono path not found: E:\Steam\steamapps\mono\mono\mini\mono.exe  at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

I've seen this error come up a lot lately. It's a problem related to Unity, the engine that runs the game, not finding resources it needs.

This error has come up before on Endless Space 2. You can read one thread about it here. In that case he fixed it by changing the galaxy density.

Updating to the latest version of Windows 10 has fixed it.

If you are missing Mono you can also try installing it then copying the Mono folder to steamapps. You can find the installer for Mono here. I haven't actually seen this fix work. The real problem is not that you are missing Mono, it looks for something in Microsoft .NET and when it can't find that it resorts to looking for Mono.

This could be caused by not having Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2. You can download it here.

You can also try set "-force-opengl" in the Steam launch options. To do so, right click the game in Steam, go to properies, then click on "Set Launch Options...".

Installing C++ Redistributables (vcredist). It can be found here: x86 (32 bit OS) x64 (64 bit OS) 

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4 years ago
Jul 2, 2020, 11:55:36 PM

I checked every option...

Changing the galaxy density wasnt working.

And honestly i dont know how Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 cant find Mono even if its up-to-date.

The "-force-opengl" command didn't worked either after i tried everything befor i even opened the thread.

It is really stupid that i cant play this game in singleplayer and only with friends.

Now im unable to test new custom fractions.

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4 years ago
Jul 3, 2020, 12:12:59 AM

The devs have commented there is a known issue with Unity and non-English characters, they said: Some people using non-english OS and international characters in their steam path could not launch the game. Such characters are badly handled by the low level layer of Unity, Mono. We have performed a workaround in the code, (better than having to reinstall Steam to a path without accents)  waiting for a cleaner solution from Unity.

I have seen others propose a fix to this that involves deleting fonts which are corrupted. Are you using a non-English computer?

You can also try going to the "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Endless Space 2/EndlessSpace2_Data/"  Folder and deleting the mono folder then verify the games files with steam. It should redownload the folder correctly.

Another person fixed a similar issueby selecting another faction to play as. He did not own the DLC that grants Umbral Chior but had it selected. Have you tried playing as another faction? Your custom faction may be causing the problem.

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4 years ago
Jul 3, 2020, 10:59:04 AM

I use a non-english computer but i dont see that as a problem. If so i would have more games that causes problems similar to ES2 but they dont.

Also i deleted the mono folder and verified the game for the redownload but that didnt changed the problem.

Since i have all DLC's i cant have a problem with that either.

After my attempt trying my custom fraction ingame, where the problem started, i tried to start the game with the normal fractions but that didnt worked.

Changing the parameters for density, numbers of fraction playing against me etc didnt worked too.

The main question is still for me: Why am i able to join a lobby created by friends and play without problems but trying to create a solo game sends me back to the menu with an error message even after trying all the solutions that were given to me so far...

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4 years ago
Jul 3, 2020, 10:15:36 PM

The non-english character issue would only come up on games running the Unity engine, as it is a Unity bug.

I'm guessing either there is a setting on your friend's lobby that works for you, or there is something in your set up that makes your game unable to generate a new map. Try copying exactly the settings that your friend has to see if you can make a map identical to his. Also have him send you a copy of a savegame and see if you can load it yourself in singleplayer. You might be able to play the game by having a friend generate the map for you until the devs can figure out what causes this problem.

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