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Unable to load saves due to "A Serious Error Has Occurred"

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4 years ago
Jul 12, 2020, 2:37:22 PM

Hi! I recently started playing the game again after acquiring Supremacy from the Summer Steam Sale. However, I've run into a problem where I can not load saved games because of the error mentioned above. Here's the error screen:

I've run a number of games over the last week, and they always end up the same:
Startup? No problem.
Play from round 1 to 50-60? No problem.
Any bugs or glitches during the game? Nope.
Playing past round 50-60 or reloading a game after having played past this point? No way, the game encounters the serious problem each time.

Here's the diagnostic files from today:

Diagnostics - 2020'07'12 @1454'13''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'07'12 @1524'32''.html

Diagnostics - 2020'07'12 @1528'25''.html
Now, I'm not the smartest guy, but it appears that the mods I'm using is the problem. My question is whether there is a "simple" fix to this problem? Or is it just a case of accepting that the mods eventually make the saves unusuable? I had such a thematically pleasing run, so it would be a bummer to have to abandon this particular save :-(
Any help or advice or confirmation one way or the other from you smart folks out there would be much appreciated!

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4 years ago
Jul 12, 2020, 2:54:52 PM

It's getting mad about:

STACKPlanetTerraformationDefinition PlanetTerraformationFromArcticToSteppes has no RemovedTypes

So I'm assuming that one of the mods makes new terraforming options and it broke.

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4 years ago
Jul 12, 2020, 6:53:28 PM
CaptainCobbs wrote:

That old terraformation mod is really broken 

Thank you for writing back so soon! Yeah, I looked at the error messages and it seems that the terraforming mod and luxury resources mod are the problems... I will try a run without them and see if those saves stay viable.
Do you know of a comprehensive or at least decent terraforming mod alternative?

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