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Issues with "Systems" screen and hero promotions

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4 years ago
Jul 13, 2020, 12:21:26 AM

Not sure what it's related to, but I've continued my Nakalim game that I started prior to the last patch and ran into three very annoying issues:

1. When you hire new heroes, pick two promotions, and then discard the first two and pick any other promotions. Then the "apply changes" button for the hero will be active, but it won't do anything. Reloading autosave fixes this, but it's still annoying.

2. Systems in the "systems" screen repeat multiple times. When sorting by name, those systems that get repeated would show up out of order. When empty construction queue gets updated on a system it doesn't get reflected on the "systems" screen.

3. Construction report shows only a part of the updates, when there are few enough updates, the "construction completed" screen pops up empty. I know, someone mentioned it's related to me upgrading ships on the same turn I build them, but I still think it's not ok to have this. I mean, if I have the money to upgrade a ship, but my production values aren't good enough to build a fully upgraded ship, I'd build an empty ship, then update it with max number of engines and put it onto a forward system where I'd decide what to do with it. I do this very often, and the game just becomes unplayable with the above issues.

Updated 4 years ago.
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