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[MAC] Game freezes when I click the access diplo screen button

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4 years ago
Aug 12, 2020, 7:02:51 PM

The game is freezing when I click the diplomacy tab...the game becomes unresponsive..it only happens when I click the diplo tab whereas I have never encountered the same problems with the other functions of the game. I have attached whatever was required by the devs to efficiently check into the problem..I hope that this will help..thanks :)

Diagnostics - 2020'08'10 @2351'30''.html  Player.log

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4 years ago
Aug 13, 2020, 11:26:15 AM

Try to right click on Endless Space 2 in steam game list -> choose properties -> launch options

Enter command:


and check out, if game is running fine, now

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