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[PC] End turn stuck. When I'm trying to quit to menu it says that it's saving a game.

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4 years ago
Sep 7, 2020, 10:26:21 AM

Temporary Files.zip

Even if I quit to desktop, and then try to load a game- it will not load, because this save file is corrupted now. If I load a previous save game it will stuck the next turn anyway. Why, for God's sake, this bug is still not fixed?! WHY?!?!?! This is my second game session that is ruined by this bug, I can't even finish a single damn game now after your last Nakalim update. This bug in particular is present for a year or even two, it was reported so many times, and you still can't fix it!

If THAT was really "The Final" patch last week, then Amplitude, I'll never touch your games again, until you fix this broken game, and I hope that noone will buy your new Humankind, until you hire good programmers and gain your reputation back.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Sep 10, 2020, 5:32:41 PM

Happened 4th time, first three was when I played as Vodyani, this time as Choire. Finished academy quest, wanted to level up my heroes, but couldn't, because points are all stuck, end turn is stuck aslo. Play for 200+ turns just to know that your game is now broken, and you need to start over again and pray that this will not happen...

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