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Endless space 2 freezes my computer

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4 years ago
Sep 17, 2020, 9:53:02 PM

Hello, i decided to play endless space 2 again, i downloaded the game and when i started it, my computer freezed, i was not able to move the cursor or do anything , i tried to reinstall the game, use a previous patch, powercycle my pc and nothing worked. please help. 

I have tried EVERY SINGLE thing:

1. went to propieties and changed to windows 7 ( i have windows 10)

2. Went to my nvidia gpu control panel and added endless space 2 

3. Reinstalled the game

4. verified files

5. uninstalled all mods

6. deleted the documents tab

7. opened the game as an admin

8. used -force-opengl 

9. went to previous patches and no patches. 

10. Uninstalled and re installed all of my gpu drivers two times 

Nothing has worked, the game crashes and also freezes my pc, its not a problem of temperature or hardware  because according to cpuid my pc temp is 48C ( i took the temp before the game crashed my pc , i touched my pc and its totally fine and the temp seemed okay according to Cpuid) an its not my GPU because i was playing other games for long periods of time , some of them maybe more demanding than ES2 and never experienced this, the  GPU temp was around 68C with FFXV for example  , but every time i try to play ES2 the game crashes my pc and i have to manually restart it. It is really sad because i really want to play the game.

Goign to the nvidia 3D ppanel and add the game had fixed it ttemporarily but some times after 1 hour or after two or just hen i boot the game the damn thing crashes againd and not only that it freezes my entire computer and i have to power cycle it, and this onlybarely works if i open the game from NVIDIA GE FORCE NOTHING HAS WORKED

Diagnostic files Diagnostics - 2020'09'17 @1635'40''.html

Output logs: output_log.txt

I cannot upload any screenshot because the game freezes my computer 

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 4, 2020, 4:09:44 PM

Hi. This seems to be a recurring bug for quite a lot of people, even for Macs. 

I've been going through quite a lot of messages with people having a similar problem. 

I'm having it too.

Did you manage to fix your game ?

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