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[PC] Game crashes when loading save game

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4 years ago
Nov 15, 2020, 4:44:09 PM


So my friend and i have been playing a multiplayer game where we got desynced tried to fix it by taking the next turn it didn't work so we had to go to the lobby and join the game again but when we did I crash while loading the game. I also tried loading the game in singleplayer but it's the same I crash when trying to load the save game. this is the 2'end out of 2 games this has happened. We are using Xbox live game pass on pc. when i look at the Diagnostic report (Diagnostics - 2020'11'15 @1741'29''.html )i can see a load of warnings but no errors so hope some of you can help us so we can get to play this game once more.

save game file : AutoSave 225.sav

What i have tried:
Run as admin.
restart pc.
tried to load all 5 autosaves.

Reinstalling the game.
Updating Windows, NVIDIA drivers
checked permissions for the folder

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 16, 2020, 3:24:56 PM

Hey so im not using steam im on Xbox live game pass on Microsoft store. I found where the Public folder is I deleted it can't find a verify game thing in Microsoft store. when i launch the game it makes a new but the problem is still there (Crash on "Game Launched")

is this the folder you where talking about?



Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Nov 18, 2020, 12:14:31 PM

So played a singleplayer game yesterday saved it and today I wanted to continue it but nope it happens once more all saves are not working for that game even saves that are 22 turns behind it still shuts down the game. so I am now wondering if it's the game or something with how the game pass works on microsoft store. Hope someone know how to help

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4 years ago
Dec 6, 2020, 3:38:45 PM

So i fixed it the answer is very simple DONT BUY IT ON MICROSOFT STORE. don't know how they got the game to be this bad on their store. bought it on steam on sale and all saves work fine only 1 can't be loaded so yeah. 1 more reason to only use steam

Updated 4 years ago.
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