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Endless Pending 2

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4 years ago
Dec 30, 2020, 9:07:16 PM

I've recently gotten back into Endless Space 2, and I am having an issue many other players  are also having. I couldn't see a fix that worked (or me), so I'm asking if I could get some advice on how to solve the bug. Right now, I'm just quitting and reloading an autosave, but that's fairly tedious

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4 years ago
Dec 30, 2020, 9:40:15 PM
DaBearSquid wrote:

I couldn't see a fix that worked (or me), so I'm asking if I could get some advice on how to solve the bug.

Could be useful to write what you tried and didn't work yet, to fix the bug... Did you try to close/dismiss the battle reports listed to the right side of screen in galaxy view, before pushing end turn button?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 31, 2020, 6:55:59 AM
DaBearSquid wrote:

This is embarrssing, it was as simple as closing the battle reports, thanks for the help!

To be fair, I find that exact point extremely unintuitive. Considering every other report important enough to prevent turning prompts a "hey, did you forget something, dummy?" popup, it would make sense that battle reports should popup a warning rather than just "pending" the turn until you realize one of the logs you're skipping was a battle.

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4 years ago
Jan 2, 2021, 3:24:15 PM

I've had a funny encounter with this bug so I'd like to share what I found. 

Maybe there is something to be learned here.

I encountered the bug at turn 172 of the game.

I reloaded to turn 169 and 170 where the bug was also happening. 

I restarted everything and the same was happening.
Until I manually saved the game during the "pending" end turn and reloaded that save.
After that, there was a battle that was getting blocked which I unblocked using the same method. 

I've attached my manual saves if anyone is interested. Sadly I had forgotten to retain the autosaves. 

pendingbug1.sav This is the manual save I made at turn 170 where the autosave was getting stuck. (After saving manually I could advance to turn 171 without the "pending" issue. 

pendingbug2.sav This is the manual save I made while I was blocked on "pending" after pressing the end turn button.


This is the last save I made to unblock the ground battle at the Riftborn planet. 

There it is hope you guys can learn something from this. 

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4 years ago
Jan 19, 2021, 9:23:39 AM

We have learned that latest 'feature' leads to couple 'bug' false positives a day. The crusade for disabling this feature is ongoing.

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3 years ago
Jul 21, 2021, 4:52:46 PM
koxsos wrote:

We have learned that latest 'feature' leads to couple 'bug' false positives a day. The crusade for disabling this feature is ongoing.

Any news on that matter. Have you already solved the problem !!!

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