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Stuck at pending turn change

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3 years ago
Apr 19, 2021, 4:22:11 PM


Once again i am struck with this game breaking bug, most of the time i can work around it by loading an auto save from 1 or 2 turns before but now i'm stuck. Annoying to play this game with the possibility of a game breaking bug around. Here is my save fileQuébec 1.sav

If you can tell what i can do to proceed it would be much appreciated. Thanks

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3 years ago
Apr 19, 2021, 4:30:34 PM

It's happened to me a couple times recently, and like you, I could load a previous autosave a turn or two back and unravel the kink to keep the game going. Before now, I never had it crop up, so anecdotally, it feels like its become more an issue for some reason. 

I have been playing on larger maps lately - 12 players - where I use to just keep it to 8 or so. Larger player count conceivably can be a factor - at least increasing the likelihood.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Apr 19, 2021, 6:17:23 PM

I tried to verify game files, re-installed the game. Loaded an auto save from 2 turns before and 3. I tried to declare war to all factions.... I guess i must wait for Amplitude to take a look at the save file :(

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3 years ago
Apr 19, 2021, 6:26:56 PM

I managed to get thru it! I declared war to everyone and just hit end turn, ignored all prompts for construction/whatever and it worked. Please fix with the DLC Amplitude thanks!

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3 years ago
Apr 19, 2021, 8:23:31 PM

Wait, dec'ing war on everybody fixes it? Wack yo, I might need to try this

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3 years ago
Apr 28, 2021, 12:58:13 AM

I'm running into the same issue late in my current game. Never had this problem before today (4/27/21), but I am playing Sophons for the first time so could be I'm doing something different than usual as well. If I re-load an autosave and replay the turn, if sometimes resolves it, allowing me to complete the turn. But, now, it immediately happens again on the next turn (or battle). I'd be happy to provide a save file if that would help diagnose/fix this (or at least tell me what I can do to avoid the issue).

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