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Blockaded Colony Tooltip Incorrect

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3 years ago
Jan 27, 2022, 12:35:04 AM

Hi, this is entirely a polish thing, but also should be a really simple fix. When you are blockading a rival colony, and their food dips negitive, you see a skull in the upper right hand of the colony box. BUT, if you hover your mouse over the turn ticker, the tooltip that pops up says it will become another empire's colony in a set amount of turns. That is incorrect, the colony will be destroyed after those turns, but the tooltip does not change if the outpost is dying. This is pretty minor, but also easy to fix.

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3 years ago
Jan 27, 2022, 1:12:55 PM

Would have been useful to post a screenshot and to upload a save-file. At least for modders, it would be useful, as long as devs don't support Endless Space 2 no more. I tried to reproduce the reported bug. From what I think, it'll occur only, if you have one of your outposts in system same time. If only one hostile outpost is in the system, tooltip is displayed correctly. What makes it even more difficult to reproduce.

Edit: If you have one of your outposts in same system (and same time) your rival has the outpost, you get the rival outposts planet colonized same time you finish your outpost (if you're faster than you rival). To be more clear, if you finish your outpost faster than your rival, you have 2 colonized planets at the moment yours turns into colony. Perhaps you didn't know about and your outpost will finish to turn into colony before your rival outpost would die? This case the tooltip would make sense.

Updated 3 years ago.
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